
TED talk - what really matters at the end of life

Request: Has 12 million views.

Martin Luther King Jr. speech: I’ve Been To The Mountaintop

Request: King calls for unity, economic actions, boycotts, and nonviolent protest, while challenging the United States to live up to its ideals. At the end of the speech, he discusses the possibility of an untimely death. He was assassinated the next day.

Andrea Bocelli: Gloria in Excelsis Deo (video)

"Too beautiful to only be played at Christmas" -- comment on video.

I Died and Saw Jesus (YouTube video)

A near-death experiencer is interviewed.

Media Vita / John Sheppard, by The Tallis Scholars

Video embedded.

Just Before You Think a Thought - David R. Hawkins

Calibration of a 3 minute 43 second clip from one of Doc's lectures.

Letting the Herd Out- Just Outside of Yellowstone National Park (video)

Priority request: The beauty and magnificence of this video is stunning. I am moved to tears.

Cherish - Kool & the Gang

Priority request: I’ve always loved this song…it has a good meaning and was just curious as to the calibration.

Lady Gaga (music, videos)

Music and videos calibrated separately.

Medicine Buddha mantra (video)

To eliminate not only pain of diseases but also help in overcoming the major inner sickness of attachment, hatred, jealousy, desire, greed and ignorance. Mantra chanted by Khenpo Pema Chopel Rinpoche from the CD 'The Blessing from H.H. Penor Rinpoche for World Peace' -- video.

Magnificat: IV. Et misericordia

The Magnificat is the Virgin Mary’s song of praise to God after one of the Bible’s greatest wonders: the angel Gabriel visiting her with the message that she is to be the mother of God’s son -- YouTube.

Is That All There Is? by Peggy Lee

Request: The mature spiritual aspirant is one who has explored the ego’s options and false promises of happiness. The ego’s final song, after examination, is represented by a famous singer’s poignant song, “Is That All There Is?” -- David R. Hawkins.

Loreena McKennitt (music)

Energy of music. Sample...

Seasons in the Sun, sung by Terry Jacks

Priority request: Hit song from 1974: "We had joy, we had fun / We had seasons in the sun / But the hills that we climbed / Were just seasons out of time."

Star Sky- Two Steps From Hell

Priority request: One of the most exhilarating songs I've ever listened to.