US Politics

“don’t compare me to the Almighty, compare me to the alternative"

A popular quip Joe Biden repeats on the campaign trail which he attributes to his father. Barack Obama also borrowed the quote in his 2012 campaign.

Democratic Party platform

Pandemic recovery, universal health care, reform criminal justice system, combat climate crisis, 21st century immigration, world class education. The 2004 platform was calibrated at 295 (TvF).

Republican Party platform

Has remained essentially the same since 2016 when Donald Trump ran for President. In TvF, the Republican Party platform calibrated at 395.

T/F: Trump would be president if not for "Zuckerbucks" in 2020

Mark Zuckerberg... in the 2020 election cycle flooded election offices across the United States with hundreds of millions of dollars in grants... $350 million of which went to the “Safe Elections” Project of the left-wing Center for Technology and Civic Life

One Damn Thing After Another, by William Barr

Memoir of US Attorney General under President Trump and George H. W. Bush.

percentage of US voters who support socialism

Request: Lenin, Mao, and Stalin argued that population majority is not actually required in order for a socialist revolution to be successful. Rather, only somewhere around 20% of the population must be dedicated supporters for the revolution to succeed.

Trump Suing Hillary, Russia Collusion Hoaxers

Calibration of the 108-page complaint filed in US District Court March 24, 2022, which seeks redress of $24 million

Mike Pence (update)

Vice-President in Trump administration.

Florida's “Don’t Say Gay” legislation

prohibits the discussion of sexuality and “gender identity” in all public schools from kindergarten through the third grade; the bill only allows for discussions of sex in higher grade levels when it is “age-appropriate or developmentally appropriate.”

social cost of carbon metric

an estimate of the economic costs, or damages, of emitting one additional ton of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, and thus the benefits of reducing emissions. The estimate informs billions of dollars of policy and investment decisions in the United States and abroad.

January 6, by Julie Kelly

Book. How Democrats Used the Capitol Protest to Launch a War on Terror Against the Political Right

Barack Obama born in Kenya

Sometimes the search for truth is called a conspiracy, and the actual truth is covered up conspiratorially. It's hard to know what is true when is information is controlled and evidence is fabricated. In this particular case, however, the point is moot.

Mehmet Oz

Dr. Oz of Oprah fame, running in 2022 as a Republican for US Senate in Pennsylvania --by request

gun laws in America

Calibrated: Constitutional carry (no permit required to have permitted gun on your person) vs. concealed carry (permit required)

New York Times opinion: Liberal Hypocrisy is Fueling American Inequality (video)

OMG, so refreshing... 'Instead of asking, “What’s the matter with Kansas?” Democrats need to spend more time pondering, “What’s the matter with California?”' --NYT