Conservative political and news commentary:
National Review online
Once staunchly politically conservative, the commentary now trends towards moderate, undecided or unaffiliated.
Response to the SOTU by Sarah Sanders
Governor of Arkansas delivered the Republican response to Pres. Biden's State of the Union speech Feb. 8, 2023
Biden's State of the Union speech 2023
Again this year, the truth does not outweigh the falsehood.
T/F: Joe Biden has committed treason against the United States
In the US Constitution, treason is... levying war against the U.S., or adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort --wikipedia. Request: allegedly Biden is treasonous due to his dealings with Communist China.
cultural Marxism's effect in America
"under the pretense of social justice, they now seek... rewriting history; reintroducing racism; creating privileged classes; and determining what can be said in public discourse, the military, and houses of worship"
One Nation Under Blackmail, by Whitney Webb
The Sordid Union Between Intelligence and Crime that Gave Rise to Jeffrey Epstein
Hunter Biden
President's son is reportedly threatening to sue multiple people involved in the handling of his notorious laptop
Mike Pompeo
Former CIA director and Secretary of State under Donald Trump. Possible Republican candidate in 2024 Presidential race.
T/F: methane gas stoves are harmful to human health or the environment
Scientists recently warned that gas stoves could cause children to develop asthma, put adults at risk of having cancer by releasing the same particles belched out by trucks and cars, and can do so even when they're not in use
silent majority (concept)
an unspecified large group of people in a country or group who do not express their opinions publicly --wikipedia
highest good: Trump or DeSantis in 2024?
Which is the highest good choice for the Republican nominee in the next US presidential election? There has been much speculation recently, with commentators taking sides.
number of people who entered the United States illegally...
...during Joe Biden's presidency (so far). Estimates range from 1 million to 6 million --request
T/F: Joe Biden has dementia
Does the current President of the United States have "long-term brain disorder causing personality changes and impaired memory, reasoning, and social function"?
Karine Jean-Pierre, White House press secretary
Prior to her work with Kamala Harris during the 2020 election and with the Biden–Harris administration, Jean-Pierre was the senior advisor and national spokeswoman for the progressive advocacy group --wikipedia