d.2007. He rejected the very basis of thought and in doing so negated all systems of thought and knowledge -- wikipedia
Bruno Gröning
German mystic who performed faith healings and lectured. He was active in Germany in the 1940s and 1950s after World War II -- wikipedia
Napoleon Hill
He was one of the earliest producers of the modern genre of personal-success literature and is widely considered to be one of the great writers on success -- goodreads.com
Terence McKenna
"American ethnobotanist, mystic, psychonaut, lecturer, author, and an advocate for the responsible use of naturally occurring psychedelic plants." --wikipedia
Ray Maor (prana teacher)
"In 2013 I decided to accept the offer to go on a TV show in Israel and stay for 8 days without food or water... It was a very fun experiment in which I proved that breatharianism is not only possible but that many health benefits could be associated with it" -- raymaor.com
Bernadette Roberts (Christian mystic)
"Our passage through consciousness is the gradual return to the divine; we leave the divine unknowingly and in darkness, but we return knowingly and in light."
Richard Rohr
PBS has called him "one of the most popular spirituality authors and speakers in the world."
Tony Parsons (nonduality teacher)
"Because the separate seeker experiences everything as a subject object reality it is inevitable that it will see nonduality as a something that can be personally attained and experienced. It will also be seen as a state of no-self that can be taught or energetically transferred."
Alan Cohen (spiritual author)
Request: author of 30 popular inspirational books, including the bestselling A Course in Miracles Made Easy. He has a large following.
Deepak Chopra
A prominent figure in the New Age movement, his books and videos have made him one of the best-known and wealthiest figures in alternative medicine. His discussions of quantum healing have been characterised as technobabble -- wikipedia
Pema Chödrön
American Buddhist nun in the Tibetan tradition -- goodreads
Frederick Dodson
"author of 25 books in 7 Languages, success coach, consciousness researcher and international speaker." --from his website
Mirra Alfassa, "The Mother"
a spiritual guru, occultist and yoga teacher, and a collaborator of Sri Aurobindo, who considered her to be of equal yogic stature to him and called her by the name "The Mother". She founded the Sri Aurobindo Ashram and established the town of Auroville --wikipedia
Rhonda Byrne
Australian television writer and producer, best known for her New Thought works, The Secret --goodreads