Spiritual breathing teacher and author of "Tantra: Breath, Energy, Ecstasy" and "Shut Up and Breathe!"
Zan Perrion (dating coach)
a Canadian author, motivational speaker, and relationship coach based in Bucharest, Romania. Perrion gives seminars and workshops about seduction and dating --wikipedia
Marisa Peer
Request: Hailed as Britain's No. 1 hypnotherapist, Marisa Peer is... part of Mindvalley's masterclass offerings. The focus of her work appears to revolve around childhood patterning, self-worth/self-esteem and one's dominant thought-habits.
Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar
born 13 May 1956, an Indian religious leader emphasizing service and meditation, calibrated as a spiritual teacher.
Sat Mindo, Master Mindo Damalis (update)
"helping others to reach Non-Duality, Enlightenment and Full Consciousness." (from his website) Founder of the New Humanity School calibrated for energy and as a spiritual teacher.
Dating and Intimacy Expert Allana Pratt
Relationship coach on YouTube calibrated as a teacher, by request
Norman Vincent Peale
minister and author who is best known for his work in popularizing the concept of positive thinking, especially through his best-selling book The Power of Positive Thinking --wikipedia
Johanna Maria Riemen (Dutch psychic)
a psychic, trance-medium, visionary and healer. A modest woman with extraordinary powers. --her website
Marie Diamond (teacher) + her Feng Shui course
most known for participating in the movie 'The Secret' as a Feng Shui teacher. Her mission in life is to enlighten 500 Million People through her teachings and wisdom. --by request
Mycal Powell (teacher)
Represents himself as an enlightened being, plus: "Using the Essentiality system, you can achieve enlightenment in only 5 years of part-time effort while continuing your normal life."
Taigu Osho(大愚和尚)
a unique priest with five faces, a priest, entrepreneur, writer/lecturer, physical therapist, and karate master, he embodies “Neither monk nor layman”. Calibrated as a teacher.
John of God
João Teixeira de Faria, a miraculous Brazilian healer featured twice on the Oprah show, has been sentenced to 63 years in prison (currently house arrest) for rape and sexual misconduct occurring from 1986 to 2017.
Bert Hellinger
Several thousand professional practitioners worldwide, influenced by Hellinger, but not necessarily following him, continue to apply and adapt his original insights to a broad range of personal, organizational and political applications. --wikipedia. Calibrated as a teacher.
Yogi Bhajan
d.2004. Calibrated as a spiritual teacher.
Carlos Castaneda
wrote a series of books that purport to describe training in shamanism that he received under the tutelage of a Yaqui "Man of Knowledge" named don Juan Matus --wikipedia. Calibrated as a spiritual teacher.