

"an emissary of light from the Realms of Light, here to assist with the transformation of the Earth into a holy planet"

Swami Amar Jyoti

b. 1928 in India, d. 2001 in Colorado. Gave Satsang, founded ashrams, wrote books, and in 1995 was found liable for sexual assault in a Colorado civil court.

Jesuit Priest Anthony DeMello

A spiritual teacher, writer, and public speaker, de Mello wrote several books on spirituality and hosted numerous spiritual retreats and conferences. d.1987 --wikipedia

The Seer Almine

endorsed and described as one of the greatest mystics of our time by world leaders and scientists alike. Her work represents the cutting edge of mysticism; that place where the physical and the non-physical meet and new realities are born --her YouTube channel

Dhyan Vimal

claims to be a living enlightened master... He has an institute, he charges rather big fees for his programs and retreats --request

S. N. Goenka

Founder of Vipassana meditation, calibrated as a teacher.

Max Théon (Kabbalist and Occultist)

Mirra Alfassa (who would later associate with Sri Aurobindo and become The Mother) studied occultism under him.

Bruce Frantzis (Taoist educator)

Beginning as a young karate champion, he engaged in a multi-decade journey leading him throughout Asia and the Eastern energetic traditions --wikipedia

Baba Sali

(1889–1984) was a leading Moroccan Sephardic rabbi and kabbalist who was renowned for his alleged ability to work miracles through his prayers --wikipedia

Vadim Zeland

Author of Reality Transurfing calibrated as a spiritual teacher

Pastor Rick Warren

He built the Purpose Driven Network, a global alliance of pastors from more than 160 countries and hundreds of denominations who have been trained to be purpose driven churches. --saddleback.com

Brian Tracy

public speaker and self-development author. He is the author of over eighty books --wikipedia

Vishuddha Das

Request: A modern, millennial, western, teacher of Hinduism and other eastern philosophy to a western audience. Similar angle as the late great Ram Dass. 600K subscribers on YouTube.

Sat Shree

“The more of life you can eat, include and be in relationship with, the more you are the embodied Supreme Being.” ~ Sat Shree

Jocko Willink

author, podcaster, and retired United States Navy officer who served in the Navy SEALs. 1.4 million subscribers on YouTube