"He is a modern-day mystic and non-dual teacher who has been invited to 44 countries and 49 states to share the message of Love, Oneness, and Freedom" --mwge.org
Marshall Vian Summers
"Alien contact is intervention, not visitation." -- M. Summers. Calibrated for energy and as a spiritual teacher.
David Deida
By request: "writes about the sexual and spiritual growth of men and women." Author of The Way of the Superior Man.
Gregg Braden
known for his appearances in Ancient Aliens and his show Missing Links, and other publications linking science and spirituality --wikipedia
Bruce Lipton
Mingles quantum physics with new age sensibilities. Wikipedia: In his book The Biology of Belief, he says that beliefs control human biology rather than DNA and inheritance.
Caroline Myss
author of 10 books and many audio recordings about mysticism and wellness. She is most well known for publishing Anatomy of the Spirit (1996) --wikipedia
Brené Brown
Motivational author. "Courage starts with showing up and letting ourselves be seen."
Bob Proctor
"best known for his New York Times best-selling book You Were Born Rich and a contributor to the film The Secret." --wikipedia
Vianna Stibal
"trained teachers and practitioners who are working in over 150 countries, with an estimated 500,000 practitioners worldwide" --her web site
George Gurdjieff
taught that most humans do not possess a unified consciousness and thus live their lives in a state of hypnotic "waking sleep", but that it is possible to awaken to a higher state of consciousness and achieve full human potential. He lived from 1866-1949 --wikipedia
Tara Brach
Psychologist, author, and proponent of Buddhist meditation.
Swami Mukundananda
He has been invited to speak at various institutions namely Google, Oracle, Yahoo, Verizon, M.D. Anderson Cancer Center, United Nations, Stanford University, Princeton University, MIT, Kellogg School of Management and Duke University. --wikipedia
Ihaleakala Hew Len
Ho`oponopono teacher
Gary Renard
ACIM teacher and author, with the aid of channeled beings Arten and Pursah, of The Disappearance of the Universe.