Sports / Fitness

Cristiano Ronaldo

As a soccer player (public), social impact (public), and overall LoC (paid-subscriber access).

Roger Federer

Calibrated as a tennis player (public) and overall (paid-subscriber access)

Reinhold Messner

"He made the first solo ascent of Mount Everest and, along with Peter Habeler, the first ascent of Everest without supplemental oxygen. He was the first climber to ascend all fourteen peaks over 8,000 metres above sea level." --Wikipedia

card counting

Strategy to beat the house at blackjack.


The reality of riding them.

walking (exercise)

Higher than calisthenics, lower than swimming....


Coming to the 2021 Olympic Games.

Jeet Kune Do

A martial arts philosophy from Bruce Lee.

Michael Phelps

Olympic swim champion

Kobe Bryant

b. 1978. d. 2020. One of basketball's most exciting players, won 5 NBA championships. Personal LoC and social impact.