
statement: intention under 200 is not God’s Will

All karma is due to intentionality. Is it God's will for you to have bad karma? Nope. If so, God would have bad karma, which is absurd.


Request: which would include even judgment of judgment, and of oneself.

appearance vs. essence

The level when context (intention) becomes more significant than content.

differentiate between the things that keep you away from love, peace, calm, etc.

Calibration of the following short essay from an All-Access subscriber...

Nisargadatta's Law of Freedom

Request: Page 166 from the book "I Am That." One of my favorites! To me compares well with Doc's books.

statement: God is not an individual

Anthropomorphic depictions are false.

the ego is beliefs / all beliefs are false

Concise explanation of ego as commonly understood by spiritual students.

anxiety and depression can be canceled and healed instantaneously

Priority request: Some might not be aware of the option, as well as the ego putting up massive resistances, but it seems to me this is indeed possible given that anxiety/depression are just illusory ways of being.

enlightenment is a destination, not a goal

Level of this statement. Also calibrated: "Enlightenment is a way of being, not an experience."

truth is the law of the universe

Calibration of statement.

God's will is All there is

A contemplation that resolves in high awareness.

mercy is the law of the universe

Calibration of statement.

leaving the Community and Database...

"...and reverting to vanilla Doc's teachings" -- request.

offsetting the negativity of local conditions

Level at which negative potentiality is diffused or dispersed whereby life energy manifests constructively instead of being drained.

hitting rock bottom

Request: I've not had huge success with this, as it felt like it just kept getting lower, so I'm curious about its calibration.