According to ACIM's Lesson 199, "I am not a body, I am free," freedom must be impossible as long as one perceives a body as themselves. Priority request.
statement: content is neutral, intention makes it positive or negative
Therein lies the karmic impact of intention.
good karma runs out when you’re not building more of it
Does good karma expire or decay? Is karma subject to entropy over time?
“I” as that which moves between the levels and dimensions
This "I" is nonresistant to local conditions, with neither attraction nor aversions to shifts in ways of being.
statement: intention under 200 is not God’s Will
All karma is due to intentionality. Is it God's will for you to have bad karma? Nope. If so, God would have bad karma, which is absurd.
appearance vs. essence
The level when context (intention) becomes more significant than content.
statement: energy is an illusion
We can understand emotions and even thoughts are illusions, but what about manifest energy?
the one thing that feels really, really hard for you is most often the key to your liberation and to your upleveling
Request: from Leeor Alexandra's twitter
statement: suffering has no upside except to teach you to choose happiness
When will we learn? Happiness is a choice.
T/F: when you condemn someone for "sin" you become just as guilty for that "sin" yourself
Request: Hence the need to forgive yourself and others for all things.
vulnerability is a sign of invulnerability
Stay without ambition, without the least desire, exposed, vulnerable, unprotected, uncertain and alone, completely open to and welcoming life as it happens, without the selfish conviction that all must yield you pleasure or profit, material or so-called spiritual -- Nisargadatta
statement: what I am is innocent regardless of what I think I am
request: or identify as. Because all fields are innocent
percent of humanity with an etheric brain
Request: "Only after evolution to consciousness level 200 does an etheric brain emerge that is functionally capable of spiritual awareness, intention, and karmic responsibility." (David R. Hawkins)
statement: I am defined by God
Priority request: After a long inquiry, a possible answer to "What am I, O Lord?"
bardo (Buddhism)
What is it like, this "state of existence intermediate between two lives on earth"?