
Ramesh Balsekar

Translator for Nisargadatta Maharaj, met Dr. Hawkins, who omitted mention of Ramesh from his books after the latter's lowered level of consciousness. Priority request.

religion vs. spirituality

A general comparison with a brief explanation.

statement: all fantasies are non-integrous

Request: I often find myself oohed and awed in fantasy, before grounding myself and returning to center. Are any of them integrous?

telling someone what they believe is false, according to calibration

Request: For example, when a Christian mentions the book of revelations, it hurts to see them believe it as true... Is it in the highest good to tell them about it's falsehood, and about consciousness calibration?

spiritual junk food

Wise-sounding, empty teachings that inflate the spiritualized ego's false sense of learning.

the Presence of God

Request: At what level does one start to feel the Presence?

Barry Long

Long's teaching focuses on freeing the individual from unhappiness which he defined as "happy today, unhappy tomorrow". He stated that this fluctuating condition is set in motion and maintained by an addiction to thoughts and the emotions they create -- wikipedia.

Origins of Man and the Universe, by Barry Long

relates our inner life to the outer world in ways that draw us towards the solution of the ultimate puzzle: What's behind it all? What on earth are we doing here? --barrylongbooks.com

Alan Watts

He wrote more than 25 books and articles on religion and philosophy, introducing the emerging hippie counter culture to The Way of Zen (1957), one of the first best selling books on Buddhism -- wikipedia. He is calibrated in TvF at 485.

Power vs. Force, by David R. Hawkins

Calibrated at 850 (awareness) in the book itself.

Doc visiting his students in their dreams

Priority request: I heard many people including myself have gotten dreams of him usually giving a lesson or helping people out with certain issues.

spiritual entertainer vs. spiritual teacher

A matter of appearance vs. essence. Spiritual entertainers provide a high-magnitude performance of "knowing about" spirituality through the persona, often with costumes, pseudo-humility and affected speech to simulate a state of enlightenment, whereby they become celebrities.

T/F: people in intimate relationships share a non-local field of psyche

Request: Almost like a telepathic / intuitive relationship?


One follower describes Mooji’s teaching as spiritual food that is neither esoteric nor hard to understand. Attendees come up one by one in front of a large crowd and ask personal questions that Mooji answers or uses for “riffs on faith.” --wikipedia

level: no longer being affected by others' anger

Priority request: Not as in "I don't care", but more just the ability to not take someone else's anger personally anymore. No longer feeling like it means something about oneself. Others may get angry "because" of this or that, but... a lot of it is actually outside of one's control.