
good karma

good karma produces good effect on the actor -- wikipedia.

"Human effort is necessary only to learn that human effort as such is useless..."

"...and God’s will alone is the real power that controls and brings about all events. When you realise this truth, human effort ceases and divine will starts its work in you, and then you do all things in the freedom of the soul, liberated from care, fear and sorrow." ― Swami Ramdas.

statement: love is sacrifice

Priority request: A catholic friend thought the two were inseparable and I thought it was mostly spiritual ego. Doc made it clear service is not sacrifice, however, it lead to an interesting conversation and he raised some convincing points so I wanted to see how it calibrates.

truth is always present

Attributed is Dr. Hawkins.

accepting the Grace of God

Trusting in God’s generosity rather than relying on one’s own merits or behaviors. Priority request.

"it is the nature of negativity to self-destruct"

A profound implication of non-integrity.

there is no condemnation in Christ Jesus

Summary of Romans 8:1. Comforting words to those who align with the Lord whereby one may forego any and all self-condemnation or condemnation of others.

you are innately innocent, unprogrammable divinity

i.e. the hardware, not the software programs nor the operating system.

statement: all beliefs are false

Don't hold those beliefs too tightly!

refusing hypotheticals

A useful practice to move beyond the intellect.

claiming your power (spirituality)

Your power is innate to your spiritual progress and corresponds with the scope of your innate responsibility. To not claim your power is an error, because you'll be unable to fulfill your responsibility. Claiming power that is not yours is, of course, an error.

T/F: everyone is spiritually gifted

Request: Could it be that everyone is spiritually gifted to a certain extent?

inverted morality

Going strong to negativity, weak to the good.

"Neither attraction, nor aversion"

Calibration of this statement.

Glamour: A World Problem, by Alice Bailey

Request: Doc mentions this book when talking about Desire on several occasions, but it appears he never calibrated it. He describes it in Map of Consciousness explained as "one of the most helpful books ever written."