
level: when angels in human form are aware they are angels

Priority request. Below this level, they aren't aware of it.

the world we experience is the psyche

The psyche is the interactive space of Consciousness which presupposes separate beings (regardless of physical incarnation) and individual influence upon manifest phenomena through local auras or nonlocal dimensions. To "overcome the world" is invulnerability in, and transcendence of, the psyche.

level: having overcome defensiveness

Request: in overt and very subtle ways.

seeing that the mind is easily programmable

Level of consciousness at which it becomes apparent.

"Divinity emanates as consciousness/awareness”

Request: From Discovery of the Presence of God, page 37.

I have options

Priority request: Seems like the only ignorance/bad karma people have is not knowing they have options.

every being plays an important role in the unfolding of creation

Request: I’ve serious contemplated and wished for non-existence. Do I play an important or even vital role in this world?

A Return to Love, by Marianne Williamson

Reflections on the Principles of A Course in Miracles.

accurate perception, no projection

Perception is sensory-based, including the mind, and limited by context, which determines whether seeing is partial or holistic, i.e. parts or wholes. Accurate perception requires a context that encompasses the whole. Not projecting meaning is concomitant with accurate perception.

T/F: we shift dimensions by shifting focus

Request: while writing my master's thesis, I noticed a different quality of experience when my attention is focused on writing my thesis versus when I reach for a sip of coffee or take a break in the form of conversation with my fiancée or eating chocolate.

8-chakra model

Adding thymus to the traditional 7-chakra model. Also calibrated: 7-chakra model.

relying only on God's Will for future plans

At what LoC does this become a way of life? -- request.

You Were Never Broken: Poems to Save Your Life, by Jeff Foster

Poems for accepting all that you are--including those parts of yourself that you wish you could disown -- amazon.

God hears intentions, not words

Very, very true.

God has a sense of humor

"His timing, the way he shows up and the way he tries to tell us stuff is quite funny sometimes" -- ignitenetwork.ie.