Request: What is LoC of this part of Doc's teachings? Recontextualization seems to always work if it is sincerely used, even when all other methods fail.
Wim Hof Method
Cold therapy, breathing, commitment.
Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender
Calibration of Dr. Hawkins' book.
acting as a spiritual practice
In the context of facilitating personal growth and positive transformation, acting can be a very effective form of therapy.
zazen, shikantaza meditation
Styles of Zen meditation.
forgiving others for their past mistakes
Priority request.
visualizing the desired outcome, then surrendering it to God
Priority request: spiritual teachers advise to be unattached to outcomes. I found this approach useful. It lets the mind settle because I feel like I got something "off my chest" and then there is peace that God will bring about what is supposed to happen, independent of my desires and fears.
asking God to help others
Request: When you see the suffering of another person, ask God to help them. Is it good to do it or is it better to believe that God will help them anyways and not pray for them?
"yes, Lord"
Possibly the most powerful spiritual posture a human being can assume, that of following the Lord no matter what.
a prayer for inner peace
How I've been praying lately.
praying for the animals whose meat you've just eaten
Request: Feels like the right thing to do. But is it?
Chaplet of the Divine Mercy
a Christian devotion to the Divine Mercy from St. Faustina Kowalska of Krakow, Poland. Priority request.
The Welcoming Prayer - Thomas Keating
"...I let go of my desire to change any situation, condition, person or myself. I open to the love and presence of God and God’s action within..." (excerpt)
closing one’s right eye as a spiritual practice
Request: to facilitate switching to right brain.
mindfulness of speech
Request: asking oneself if what one is about to say is true? Kind? Necessary? etc…