Spiritual Practice

practices to open the crown chakra

With regard to realizing a crown chakra calibration over 200

Innate Goodness meditation, by Stephen Snyder

cultivates our natural and unconditioned innate goodness and counteracts ongoing patterns of negative self-talk --request

Osho Dynamic Meditation

It is an hour long process with 5 stages involving intense breathing, catharsis, mantra chanting, silence and finally celebrating --oshodynamic.com

channeling Higher Self through the throat or the heart chakra

Request: They sense words, whole sentences coming from the heart

Surrendering the object(s) or idea(s) that we are excited about

At what level do we think this is a good idea?

pathway of good conscience

Request: what is the calibration of always making the choice that brings a sense of good conscience? Maybe this is related to Karma Yoga?

The Presence Process (book series) by Michael Brown

Reading and applying the simple procedure in this book makes it possible for anyone, anywhere, to transform the quality of their emotional life experience from uncontrollable re-activity to deliberate responsibility —Amazon

dark retreat

spiritual retreat in a space that is completely absent of light, which is an advanced practice in some lineages of Tibetan Buddhism --wikipedia

Samatha Meditation

Samatha is a Buddhist term that is often translated as the "tranquility of the mind", or "mind-calmness". The Pali Canon describes it as one of two qualities of mind which is developed in Buddhist meditation, the other being vipassana (insight) --wikipedia

dream analysis (as a spiritual practice)

In reference to the work of Jung.

Djago Teaching Academy

The contents and methodologies are developed and transmitted by Sri Prem Baba master through live meetings, virtual, integrating programs, retreats, talks, intensives and satsangs. --djago.com.br

repeating affirmation “I Am Brahman”

both a postulation on the state of Brahman at an intellectual level and an expression of an enlightened yogi (Brahmajnani) in a state of self-realization --hinduwebsite.com

Access Bars®

32 points on your head that, when gently touched, effortlessly, and easily release anything that stops you from feeling joy and ease in your life. --accessconsciousness.com

Listening to a Dr. Hawkins lecture

By request.


"a Hawaiian practice of reconciliation and forgiveness" --wikipedia