Priority request: It would be interesting to know whether this institution and the research and content it shares is reliable and not corrupted or influenced by companies or government agencies.
recipe websites
Plus, a calibration of Once Upon a Chef.
Ascended Master Light website
Request: Kim Michaels claims to receive messages from the ascended masters such as buddha, jesus, mary, etc. Would like a calibration on the website in general or the dictations that available to view.
User submitted definitions of slang terms and expressions.
the first introduction to the WingMakers mythology, their art, music, philosophy, poetry, and inner technologies (techniques)
The Babylon Bee
Political satire website: (brain training)
After 10 weeks, Lumosity users improved more than the control group on our assessments of working memory, short term memory, processing speed, problem solving, fluid reasoning, and overall cognitive function
Learn the Risk (non-profit)
"educating people WORLDWIDE on the dangers of pharmaceutical products, including vaccines and unnecessary medical treatments — that are literally killing us"
The Eden Method (energy medicine)
Donna Eden started teaching Energy Medicine classes in the late 1970s. Since then, her work has touched millions of people across the globe, introducing them to the healing and restorative power of their body’s own energies
Ground News
"Ground News is a platform that makes it easy to compare news sources, read between the lines of media bias and break free from algorithms." - the website
"an American online education subscription platform on which students can access tutorials and lectures pre-recorded by experts in various fields" -- wikipedia
Started in 1999, "the most welcoming website on the Internet" --The Advertiser
Commune (web site)
"Our mission is to create a global wellness community around the ideas and practices of the world’s greatest teachers." Similar to Mindvalley.
Facebook Messenger
Messaging app that can be used independently from Facebook --request
helps busy people get the most out of their lives, in the shortest amount of time. Through actionable, step-by-step systems - you can easily follow and learn how to leverage newfound skills to multiply your results. --website