
"Whatever my defects or imperfections, I accept myself unreservedly and completely"

Request: It's from Nathaniel Branden's book "Six Pillars of Self Esteem". He advises one to look in the mirror and say this to themselves very slowly in order to improve self esteem.

The Nature Fix, by Florence Williams

Priority request. "Williams investigates the science at the confluence of environment, mood, health, and creativity. Delving into completely new research, she uncovers the powers of the natural world to improve health, promote reflection and innovation, and ultimately strengthen our relationships"

therapeutic journaling

Priority request. An "internal process of using the written word to express the full range of emotions, reactions and perceptions we have related to difficult, upsetting, or traumatic life events" -- see PDF

Opening Up by Writing It Down, by James W. Pennebaker

"Expressing painful emotions is hard--yet it can actually improve our mental and physical health" -- amazon

statement: thinking about mistakes is unproductive

Request: Sometimes I’ll do something less-than admirable and beat myself up for it. Is it wise to consider how to improve, or is that a waste of time?

"sometimes you've got to break an internal rule just to see if it's real"

Courageous reality-testing or intra-psychic rebellion? Yes.

How To Love Yourself, by Teal Swan

Request: previously published as Shadows Before Dawn. Is it legit? I know that Teal calibrates below 195, but maybe some of her stuff is worth something - what is its LoC?

laughter therapy

Priority request: We all love a good laugh... Doc says it recontextualizes things. Wondering how it calibrates relative to letting go and other methods... wondering when it’s used intentionally as a spiritual method to release negativity if it calibrates any differently.

The Belief Code, by Bradley Nelson

Priority request: a brand new therapeutic system, and a way for us to get to the heart of what we're really believing about ourselves and the world, and which is actually driving our behaviour and determining our results in life.

I Love this book, by Anthony D. Webber

Request: A book of 365 motivational quotes to uplift, empower, and inspire people.

"It's better to be alone than with the wrong person"

Request: Recontextualization for single people.


A stage of growth between Courage and Trust.

statement: the future is not something to think about, but to create

Priority request: saying of the SF writer.

The Heroine's Journey, by Maureen Murdock

Priority request: "Drawing on cultural myths and fairy tales, ancient symbols and goddesses, and the dreams of contemporary women, Murdock illustrates the need for—and the reality of—feminine values in Western culture" -- amazon

Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents, by Lindsay C. Gibson

Priority request. Discover the four types of difficult parents: the emotional parent, the driven parent, the passive parent, the rejecting parent -- amazon