
Higgs field theory (quantum physics)

If the Higgs field did not exist, particles would not have the mass required to attract one another, and would float around freely at light speed --wikipedia

Is AI an existential threat to humanity?

"One of the biggest risks to the future of civilization is AI," Elon Musk told attendees at the World Government Summit (Priority request)

Inconvenient Truth: 32 Climate Predictions Proven False (video)

For example: "The chance that there will be any permanent ice left in the Arctic after 2022 is essentially zero," says Harvard scientist reported in Forbes magazine in 2018.

chemtrails (concept)

theory that governments or other parties are engaged in a secret program to add toxic chemicals to the atmosphere... motivations for this alleged spraying are speculated, including sterilization, reduction of life expectancy, mind control or weather control

Edward Witten (genius)

a researcher in string theory, quantum gravity, supersymmetric quantum field theories, and other areas of mathematical physics. Witten's work has also significantly impacted pure mathematics... he is considered the practical founder of M-theory --wikipedia

the state of Science

"Trust the Science" was a mantra in the Covid era, and it remains a postulate of Western Civilization. Interestingly, Science, or what it has become, is only marginally in the level of Trust. Therefore, it may effectively tilt into areas of non-trust, e.g mRNA vaccines or climate science.

cortical homunculus

a distorted representation of the human body, based on a neurological "map" of the areas and proportions of the human brain dedicated to processing motor functions, or sensory functions, for different parts of the body --wikipedia

bionic limbs

Bionic limbs function by microprocessors and are attached directly into the bone rather than awkwardly fitted around the stump (location of amputation). Various sensors receive signals from the brain, nerves, and muscles to achieve a similar function to a normal limb --request

EMF shields (consumer products)

For example: The Defense Pendant, "loaded with 36 minerals that generate negative ions, creating a field that neutralizes and deflects the positive ions of EMF radiation"

Giant-impact hypothesis

suggests that the Moon was formed from the ejecta of a collision between the early Earth and a Mars-sized dwarf planet, approximately 4.5 billion years ago --wikipedia

The death of Buddha: a medical enquiry

Buddha died from an illness, the nature of which remains unsettled. The present paper examines a variety of sources and concludes that it was tainted pork that led to his demise --

The Omega Point cosmology (quantum theory)

the ultimate fate of the universe required by the laws of physics, according to Frank Tipler: quantum mechanics is inconsistent unless the future of every point in spacetime contains an intelligent observer to collapse the wavefunction --wikipedia

Joel Salatin (farmer)

known around most agricultural circles as the most famous farmer in the world and is the purveyor and owner of Polyface Farms in Swoope, Virginia. He calls himself a Christian libertarian environmentalist capitalist lunatic farmer --priority request

regenerative agriculture

a holistic approach to agriculture that focuses on the interconnection of farming systems and the ecological system as a whole --priority request

The scientific case against face masks (article)

"the highest-quality scientific studies, randomised controlled trials (RCTs), show... that masks make little to no difference in controlling spread of influenza, SARS-CoV-2, or RSV"