
Hildegard of Bingen

Request: German saint and mystic who was a writer, composer, and artist. She spoke of having visions from a very early age.

Shimon bar Yochai

Priority request. "A 2nd-century tannaitic sage in ancient Judea... The Zohar (cal. 905, TvF), a 13th century foundational work of Kabbalah, is ascribed to him by Kabbalistic tradition" -- wikipedia.

Saint Denis of Paris

He is venerated in the Catholic Church as the patron saint of France and Paris and is accounted one of the Fourteen Holy Helpers -- wikipedia.

Saint Gabriel of Georgia

believed by Eastern Orthodox Christians to have possessed powers of healing and prophecy, while his remains are considered to be incorrupt... In 2012, the Georgian Orthodox Church officially recognized him as a saint -- wikipedia

Franz Jalics SJ (Jesuit)

Priority request. b1927. d2001. a Hungarian-born Jesuit priest and author of books on Christian spirituality -- wikipedia.

Thomas More

Priority request. English lawyer, judge, social philosopher, author, statesman, and noted Renaissance humanist. He also served Henry VIII as Lord High Chancellor of England... More opposed the Protestant Reformation, directing polemics against the theology of Martin Luther -- wikipedia

Thomas Merton

Calibrated at 515 in Truth vs. Falsehood, "Merton wrote more than 50 books in a period of 27 years, mostly on spirituality, social justice and a quiet pacifism, as well as scores of essays and reviews" -- wikipedia

Malak Jan Nemati

"God took away my sight, but opened before me the door to the Kingdom of Heaven; no one can imagine what I have gained from this." Living from 1906 to 1993, she was a charismatic figure and a mystical writer and poet in Kurdish and Persian language --wikipedia

St. Maria Faustina Kowalski

Polish Roman Catholic nun and mystic. Updated with all-dimensions calibration.

Arsenie Boca

Romanian Orthodox monk, d. 1989.

Michael J. McGivney (Catholic saint candidate)

On October 31, 2020, the beatification Mass of Michael McGivney was celebrated at the Cathedral of Saint Joseph in Hartford, Connecticut with Cardinal Joseph W. Tobin presiding on the Pope's behalf --wikipedia

Sandra Sabattini (beatified by Catholic church)

a 22-year-old woman who devoted herself to helping the poor and disabled before she was killed by a passing car in 1984

Joan of Arc

In the early 15th century, stating that she was acting under divine guidance, she became a military leader who transcended gender roles and gained recognition as a savior of France --wikipedia

Mary Magdalene relics: a skull

a blackened skull, displayed in a golden reliquary at the basilica of Saint-Maximin-la-Sainte-Baume, in Southern France, which has been described as "one of the most precious [relics] in all Christendom" --wikipedia

Nicholas of Flüe

b. 1417, d. 1487. A Swiss hermit and ascetic who is the patron saint of Switzerland --Wikipedia