

"her 61 year old physical body purified itself and transformed into a youthful, attractive, very white rainbow body. Her silken hair flowed down her back. She became as beautiful as a sixteen year old maiden, ravishing to behold, and sat up in the sky for seven days" -- tibetanbuddhistencyclopedia.

Tibetan tantric practice

seen in the Hevajra tantra which states "By passion the world is bound, by passion too it is released" and "one knowing the nature of poison may dispel poison with poison" -- wikipedia.

Sukhasiddhi Foundation

"ancient practices of Tibetan Buddhism in an atmosphere that supports, enlivens and radically changes our daily lives. Most of the practices and teachings of the Shangpa lineage come from two fully and completely awakened women, Sukhasiddhi and Niguma" --


There are up to one million Rastafari across the world. The largest population is in Jamaica... Most Rastafari are of black African descent, and some groups accept only black members -- wikipedia.


The power of faith.

blasphemy against the Holy Spirit

The unforgivable sin.

Satan / the devil

Rather than to an entity, the names evidently refer to an intention.

Psalm 23

"THE LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want ..."

Psalm 91

"Doc often stated this psalm as his favourite. Verses 14-15 are quoted in some of his books." --by request

Miserere mei

Musical setting of Psalm 51 by Gregorio Allegri. It is written for two choirs, of five and four voices respectively, singing alternately and joining to sing the ending in 9-part polyphony -- wikipedia.

experiencing the divine presence of Jesus Christ

Priority request: Many who call out to him may end up experiencing his divine presence. What does this experience calibrate at and what is the range it can go up to?

The story of Noah’s Ark

"God spares Noah, his family, and examples of all the world's animals from a global deluge" -- wikipedia.

Martin Luther

"Luther's theology challenged the authority and office of the pope by teaching that the Bible is the only source of divinely revealed knowledge, and opposed sacerdotalism by considering all baptized Christians to be a holy priesthood" -- wikiepedia. Calibrated at 580 in TvF.

The Virgin Mary

Mary was a first-century Galilean Jewish woman of Nazareth, the wife of Joseph, and the mother of Jesus, according to the canonical gospels and the Quran. The gospels of Matthew and Luke in the New Testament and the Quran describe Mary as a virgin -- wikipedia.

Confiteor (Catholic prayer)

'Confiteor' means 'I confess' or 'I acknowledge,' and is the first word in the Latin version in the prayer. Quoted in English...