
Book of Silent Prayer

A small book of classic prayers, prose, and poetry from Unity.

halo in Christianity

a representation of spiritual character through the symbolism of light

Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy

Six days you shall labor, and do all your work, but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the LORD your God --Exodus 20:8-11

Pontifical Swiss Guard

a minor armed force and honour guard unit maintained by the Holy See that protects the pope and the Apostolic Palace within the territory of the Vatican City --wikipedia

religious prohibition of pork

Prohibitions on eating unclean food are written in the Torah and in the Koran.

Dalai Lama's statement on Ukraine

Hope for Dialogue to Restore Peace in Ukraine

Saint Valentine

3rd-century Roman saint... associated with a tradition of courtly love. He is also a patron saint of Terni, epilepsy and beekeepers --wikipedia

Hindu Goddess Kali

Request: Kali inspires the highest and lowest consciousness energies in a wide range of devotees

Beloved: Finding Happiness in Marriage

On Catholic faith streaming service "All 12 episodes can be used in Marriage Prep or for Marriage Enrichment"

The New Message from God

More than seven volumes of revelations through Marshall Vian Summers, "a gift from the Creator of all life for the protection and advancement of humanity. It contains a warning, a blessing and a preparation for all the peoples of the world," according to his web site.

The Sharp Sickle: Text Book of Eschatology

by request. Eschatology is the part of theology concerned with death, judgment, and the final destiny of the soul and of humankind --google


What Would Jesus Do? While this is technically a hypothetical, it's more about the heart than the mind, as reflected in the calibration result.

Bible was edited multiple times particularly to remove mention of reincarnation

by request

Finding Jesus: Faith. Fact. Forgery. (on HBO Max)

The world's foremost scholars, historians and scientists examine six ancient relics thought to be connected to Jesus of Nazareth.

tree of life

a fundamental archetype in many of the world's mythologies, religious, and philosophical traditions. --wikipedia