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Baptism of the Holy Spirit (receiving the spirit, not water baptism)

Request: When one confesses faith in Jesus Christ they are filled with his spirit and renewed. This baptism brings spiritual transformation as opposed to regular water baptism.

Christian praise music

Played on Christian radio stations.

Krishna image, accuracy to his real face

Priority request: Supposedly this picture was materialized and could be an accurate depiction of Krishna.

the essence of faith is the letting go of conceptual thought

Request: The integration of the paths of Devotion and Knowledge.

transfer of merit (Buddhism)

"a standard part of Buddhist spiritual discipline where the practitioner's merit, resulting from good deeds, is transferred to deceased relatives, to deities, or to all sentient beings" – wikipedia.

wanting to meet the deceased in the afterlife

Request: Grief or integrity?

Alpha course

Request: A worldwide evangelistic course where people meet to learn about faith and God, and share ideas and experiences on their spiritual journey. 29 million people have been through the course.

statement: God is giving

Request: The fundamental nature of God seems to be permissive and wholly giving. Is this a principle quality of it?

Kaaba / Ka'ba

a stone building at the center of Islam's most important mosque and holiest site... in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. It is considered by Muslims to be the house of God -- wikipedia.

Mary Baker Eddy

an American religious leader and author who founded The Church of Christ, Scientist, in New England in 1879. She also founded The Christian Science Monitor in 1908 -- wikipedia.

T/F: everyone needs Jesus

Request: Perhaps the solution to most people’s problem may just be Jesus or an enlightened teacher.

level: God is a person

Request: In religious such as Christianity, Judaism exists belief that God is a person. What is the level of consciousness of this belief?

Sultan Sahak

Priority request. Ancient "Kurdish religious leader who reformed the modern beliefs of Yarsanism and moreover considered to be the fourth of seven incarnations of God" -- wikipedia.

International Christian Fellowship (ICF)

Request: Fast growing "free church" with modern marketing. Some fundamentalist viewpoints are in critique (homosexuality as disease etc.). Many young people join.

false humility

"In a society that glamorizes humility, the enactment of humility becomes more important than a true embodiment of it" --