
God is good

Request: A very simple statement seen in Christian writings, that may correct a lot of ego assumptions about the nature of Divinity.


A sacrament of admission to Christianity. Almost invariably involves the use of water and the Trinitarian invocation, “I baptize you: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.” The candidate may be wholly or partly immersed in water.

spiritual rebirth

“In Christian theology, spiritual rebirth, often referred to as 'being born again,' signifies a transformative experience where a person's spirit is renewed through faith in Jesus Christ, leading to a new life in Christ” - Google AI.

Traditional Latin Mass

The priest faces the altar with the people, offering a sacrifice to God, present in the Blessed Sacrament reserved in the tabernacle. With the exception of the sermon to the people, the Mass is sung, chanted, or spoken entirely in Latin --

T/F: the muscle test is the second coming of Christ

Is consciousness calibration a spiritual way the religious prophecy is already fulfilled?

God's grace

The free and unmerited favor of God, manifested in the salvation of sinners and the bestowal of blessings. It is God's gift to us, given freely and without any strings attached --

Beloved: Finding Happiness in Marriage

On Catholic faith streaming service "All 12 episodes can be used in Marriage Prep or for Marriage Enrichment."


Spiritual state referred to somewhat differently across several religions.


Request: In Eastern Europe and Orthodox Christianity, people and church give huge respect to icons and see them as ''window'' in a way, to God and Saints. How much effect do they have on consciousness and do they really invoke Saints, miracles, etc...

having sympathy for the devil

Request: or evil in general.

God has a sense of humor

"His timing, the way he shows up and the way he tries to tell us stuff is quite funny sometimes" --

T/F: Satan and Lucifer are innocent

Request: Are they subject to their own ignorance or are they deliberately opposing God?

correlation: the eternal Tao and the Holy Spirit

To what extent do Taoism and Christianity refer to the same thing with these different terms?

God delivering us from evil

Recognizing that negativity in this world forces itself on us and others, altering behavior, circumstances and outcomes, the Lord's prayer asks the Father to "deliver us from evil." With awareness of God's power to deliver us for the asking, this simple invocation de-potentiates negativity.

Called to More (YouTube channel)

Called to More is a non-profit media apostolate based in Ireland. We create videos, articles, and a podcast for Catholics to deepen their relationship with Christ and His church. -- about channel. By request.