
quote on heavy metal, rap in The Eye of the I

Priority request: This sounds like a conspiracy theory. I thought this music was created by individuals who themselves live in ignorance and are just angry or whatever this music expresses. Did not think it is used as "deliberate means."

the mind is an endless phantasmagoria

Calibration of concept by David R. Hawkins in “Realizing the Root of Consciousness: Meditative and Contemplative Techniques” June 2002 DVD, Disc 1.

statement: you either serve God or you serve the ego

Dualistic? The statement is attributed to Dr. Hawkins -- request.

"To safely do spiritual work and avoid crises..."

From The Ego is Not the Real You, pg. 47. By request.

"Beware the student of [only] one teacher..."

"... A good idea spirals into dogma when it gets applied to everything and stretched beyond the areas where it is useful. Remain open and embrace a lot of teachers." Priority request: I came across this quote and it's been bothering me since I've done this with Doc's teachings.

"To exist is a tremendous miracle"

Attributed to Dr. Hawkins. Calibrated by request.

"I love you" and "I bless you"

LoC of these two statements.

"How you do anything is how you do everything."

request: attributed to Martha Beck.

"He who dares not offend cannot be honest"

A high truth from American revolutionary Thomas Paine.

"Human effort is necessary only to learn that human effort as such is useless..."

"...and God’s will alone is the real power that controls and brings about all events. When you realise this truth, human effort ceases and divine will starts its work in you, and then you do all things in the freedom of the soul, liberated from care, fear and sorrow." ― Swami Ramdas.

"Happiness is like a butterfly, the more you chase it, the more it will elude you...

"... But if you turn your attention to other things, it will come and sit softly on your shoulder" -- Henry David Thoreau. Priority request.

truth is always present

Attributed is Dr. Hawkins.

"man is responsible and must actualize the potential meaning of his life..."

Priority request: [quote from] Viktor E. Frankl, Man’s Search for Meaning.

"Nothing is as it can be described..."

"...therefore, all descriptions are what a thing is not" -- Dr. Hawkins, The Eye of the I. Priority request.

"God moves in a mysterious way"

Priority request: God's actions are often not readily understood by humans, appearing inexplicable or unexpected, and sometimes even seemingly contradictory to our expectations, leaving people to trust in God's plan even when they can't fully grasp it.