"... but it is because fiction is obliged to stick to possibilities, truth is not." Quote attributed to Mark Twain. Priority request.
statement: you are the infinite field
As mentioned by David R. Hawkins.
"The seeker is the sought"
Full quote: "It must be deeply, intuitively perceived that the seeker is the sought. When this happens, the seeker disappears." - Pointers from Nisargadatta Maharaj, pg 118. Priority request.
"Divinity emanates as consciousness/awareness”
Request: From Discovery of the Presence of God, page 37.
"it's great to be alive"
Calibration of the saying.
"Wisdom tells us…” quote by David R. Hawkins
From Power vs. Force, chapter 24.
"A slave dreams not of freedom, but of his own slaves"
Request: A quote attributed to Cicero.
Vivekananda: “But the question of immortality is not yet settled…"
Priority request.
quote on heavy metal, rap in The Eye of the I
Priority request: This sounds like a conspiracy theory. I thought this music was created by individuals who themselves live in ignorance and are just angry or whatever this music expresses. Did not think it is used as "deliberate means."
the mind is an endless phantasmagoria
Calibration of concept by David R. Hawkins in “Realizing the Root of Consciousness: Meditative and Contemplative Techniques” June 2002 DVD, Disc 1.
statement: you either serve God or you serve the ego
Dualistic? The statement is attributed to Dr. Hawkins -- request.
"To safely do spiritual work and avoid crises..."
From The Ego is Not the Real You, pg. 47. By request.
"Beware the student of [only] one teacher..."
"... A good idea spirals into dogma when it gets applied to everything and stretched beyond the areas where it is useful. Remain open and embrace a lot of teachers." Priority request: I came across this quote and it's been bothering me since I've done this with Doc's teachings.