“reputation or influence arising from success, achievement, rank, or other favorable attributes” — thefreedictionary.com
happiness with one's situation in life --vocabulary.com
extremely evil or cruel; expressive of cruelty or befitting hell --vocabulary.com
"the action of bringing someone or something under domination or control" -- Google dictionary
Play is at 375 in TvF. Calibrated by request.
request: could be a special event, but maybe also a mood or way of being
mutually beneficial
Also calibrated: win-win and "equally beneficial"
half-truth vs. 100% true
a half-truth is a deceptive statement that includes some element of truth --wikipedia
“something so simple or obvious that you do not need to think much about it” — Cambridge dictionary
loser mentality
The underpinning of self-defeating behavior.
"something one is bound to do" -- merriam-webster.com
"realistic and determined, tough-minded" -- Google dictionary. Or "being tough, stubborn, or uncompromising" merriam-webster.com
attraction, aversion
Calibration reveals the essence of these ego proclivities.
Protective is at 265 in TvF.
"keep up appearances" / for show
to pretend to be happier, less poor, etc. than you really are, because you do not want people to know how bad your situation is --dictionary.cambridge.com