
Old Spice, Swagger

LoC of this antiperspirant and deodorant

ISO HD protein supplement

from BPI Sports

Gold Standard 100% Whey

LoC of this protein supplement from Optimum Nutrition

"The reality of a negative impact of wearing a watch"

LoC of this statement and also of the statement: "The reality of a negative impact of wearing a quartz watch"

Web browsers

Calibration of six current and one retired web browser as consumer products.

Orbit chewing gum

Artificially sweetened, so you can guess it's under 200.

Dr. Squatch soap

Part of the series on soap. Yep, really.

Forbrain headset

Said to improve "attention, speech and memory with just the sound of your own voice."

Planters Honey Roasted Peanuts

LoC of the product.

Halo Sport 2

Reportedly, "a brain stimulator that helps you develop muscle memory faster." There's no doubt they are headphones. Are they more than that?


Calibration of the energy of this brand of liquid soap.