
Calibrations of prominent people, world leaders, celebrities, scientists, teachers, gurus, commentators and more. Paid-subscription required.

Joe Dispenza

His post graduate training includes the fields of neuroscience and neuroplasticity, quantitative electroencephalogram (QEEG) measurements, epigenetics, mind-body medicine, and brain/heart coherence

John the Baptist

Priority request: Calibrated as 930 in TvF. Jesus held him to high a regard and said that there is no prophet greater than John.


Priority request: "a Western Spiritual teacher, based in Spain, originating from the Sufi order. His followers refer to him as 'master' and mystic."

Huangbo Xiyun (Huang Po)

Influential master of Zen Buddhism during the Tang dynasty, he was calibrated at 960 [awareness] in Truth vs. Falsehood.

Gigi Young

For 135,000 subscribers on YouTube, she expounds on topics like "beings from the 8th sphere," "the mad scientists of Atlantis" and "Martians in Antarctica."

Tiger Woods

Request: "arguably [the] greatest golfer of all time, transcending the division of race through the game of golf."

Nisargadatta Maharaj

The publication in 1973 of I Am That... brought him worldwide recognition and followers, especially from North America and Europe -- wikipedia. Calibrated at 720 in TvF.

James O'Keefe

Priority request. Controversial, conservative political activist and investigative journalist who founded Project Veritas to expose corruption in government and NGOs.

John Butler

“Though brought up with Christianity and familiar with it, John follows no particular teaching but speaks entirely from his own experience, using examples from nature and simple common sense.”

Sri Aurobindo

Calibrated at 605 in Truth vs. Falsehood, here are his levels as a person, a saint, a teacher and as a mystic. Priority request.


Priority request: Calibrated as 910 [awareness] in TvF. Is he enlightened by ADAP standards?

Novak Djokovic

Has 100+ more weeks as the men's singles tennis No. 1 than any other man (Roger Federer) in ATP rankings history.

Braco the Gazer

"Josip Grbavac, better known as Braco, sometimes called "The Gazer", is a Croatian self-styled "healer". He does not touch, speak to, diagnose, or treat the people who come to see him — rather, he stands on a platform and gazes" -- wikipedia.

Judas Iscariot

The disciple who betrayed Jesus.

Mother Teresa

Calibrated at 710 (awareness) in Truth vs. Falsehood. Priority request.