
Calibrations of prominent people, world leaders, celebrities, scientists, teachers, gurus, commentators and more. Paid-subscription required.

Johnny Depp

Calibrated as an actor and overall

Mick Jagger

Personal LoC of Rolling Stones' frontman

Michael Bloomberg

Businessman and 2020 presidential candidate.

Mother Meera

"believed by her devotees to be an embodiment (Avatar) of the Divine Mother (Shakti or Devi)." wikipedia

Joe Vitale

Best known for his appearance in The Secret. Calibration of LoC.

Maureen Dowd

Liberal editorialist for the New York Times none to fond of Pres. Trump. LoC and social impact.

Howard Hughes

Personal LoC and social impact of the swashbuckling billionaire turned recluse.

Benjamin Franklin

Truth vs. Falsehood doesn't give us his personal calibration, only his social impact.

Kobe Bryant

b. 1978. d. 2020. One of basketball's most exciting players, won 5 NBA championships. Personal LoC and social impact.

Bernie Sanders

3 calibrations: personal LoC, political platform and social impact [paid-subscriber access]

Ricky Gervais

Personal LoC and social impact of this acerbic-witted star of film and television.

Neil deGrasse Tyson

3 calibrations: personal LoC, social impact, bonus calibration. [paid-subscriber access]

Kim Kardashian

Personal calibration and reality show.