Calibrations of prominent people, world leaders, celebrities, scientists, teachers, gurus, commentators and more. Paid-subscription required.
Angela Merkel
German leader [paid-subscriber access]
Kevin Trudeau
Entrepreneur and author [paid-subscriber access]
Mabel Katz
"Argentinian speaker and TV show host based in Los Angeles. She is a practitioner and teacher of the Hawaiian art of Ho'oponopono and is the author of The Easiest Way" wikipedia
Chico Xavier
"popular Brazilian philanthropist and spiritist medium." died 2002. wikipedia
Naomi Klein, author and social activist
Also Canadian, if that helps. [paid-subscriber access]
Malachi Martin
Jesuit, author of several fictional books, critic of politics in Catholic Church. LoC and social impact.
Paul Selig
New Age author and channeler.
Personal LoC of historical Sufi mystic
Masaru Emoto
Dr. Emoto "said that human consciousness has an effect on the molecular structure of water".
Anne Frank
Wrote of "her life in hiding from 1942 to 1944, during the German occupation of the Netherlands in World War II" (wikipedia).
Woody Allen
Writer, actor, director. Personal LoC.
Leonardo DiCaprio
Personal LoC and social impact
Gordon Ramsay
Celebrity chef and demon of Hell's Kitchen. Personal LoC.