Calibrations of prominent people, world leaders, celebrities, scientists, teachers, gurus, commentators and more. Paid-subscription required.
Edward Snowden
"copied and leaked highly classified information from the National Security Agency in 2013 when he was a Central Intelligence Agency employee and subcontractor." Wikipedia. LoC and social impact.
Ignacio Torró Montell
Translator of Dr. David R. Hawkins' book "Letting Go" into the Spanish language.
Ignacio Larrañaga
Capuchin priest, writer and evangelizer, who is considered by many a “modern day prophet” or a “21st century mystic” ( d. 2013
Eduard Tomáš
a Czech mystic, yogi and writer, d. 2002 (
Richard L. Haight
Martial arts expert and spiritual teacher [paid-subscriber access]
Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D-MI)
As governor.
Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D-NY)
The quality of his governorship, his predominant alignment.
George Will
Commentator who lost his conservative voice.
Jeff Bezos
With a net worth estimated at $152.9 billion, he's the world's richest man.
Angela Merkel
German leader [paid-subscriber access]
Kevin Trudeau
Entrepreneur and author [paid-subscriber access]
Mabel Katz
"Argentinian speaker and TV show host based in Los Angeles. She is a practitioner and teacher of the Hawaiian art of Ho'oponopono and is the author of The Easiest Way" wikipedia
Chico Xavier
"popular Brazilian philanthropist and spiritist medium." died 2002. wikipedia
John Demartini
Speaker, human behavioral specialist. Dr. Demartini [paid-subscriber access]
Naomi Klein, author and social activist
Also Canadian, if that helps. [paid-subscriber access]