Calibrations of prominent people, world leaders, celebrities, scientists, teachers, gurus, commentators and more. Paid-subscription required.
Joseph McMoneagle
Personal calibration of this famous remote viewer who gathered military intelligence for the US Army. Also, the level of his third-eye chakra.
Alejandro Mayorkas, US Secretary of Homeland Security
Cuban-American government official and attorney who has served as the seventh United States secretary of homeland security since February 2, 2021 --wikipedia
Ted Bundy (serial killer)
After more than a decade of denials he confessed to thirty murders he committed in seven states between 1974 and 1978. Bundy's true victim total is unknown, and is likely significantly higher. --wikipedia
Richard Heart (Hex founder)
Request: founder of a cryptocurrency called Hex. His following is so devoted and loyal that some people call it a cult, as well as a scam.
Pontius Pilate
best known for being the official who presided over the trial of Jesus and ultimately ordered his crucifixion --wikipedia
Prince Philip
Philip was noted for occasionally making observations and jokes that have been construed as either funny, or as gaffes: awkward, politically incorrect, or even offensive, but sometimes perceived as stereotypical of someone of his age and background --wikipedia
Mark Zuckerberg
Facebook CEO. Also calibrated: his impact on the US election in 2020. Plus, his personal calibration (paid-subscribers).
Bernard Arnault
World's 3rd richest person with $143 billion net worth, a luxury goods CEO in France
Zan Perrion (dating coach)
a Canadian author, motivational speaker, and relationship coach based in Bucharest, Romania. Perrion gives seminars and workshops about seduction and dating --wikipedia
Sean Penn
He has won two Academy Awards, for his roles in the mystery drama Mystic River (2003) and the biopic Milk (2008). --wikipedia
Christopher Hitchens
described himself as an anti-theist, who saw all religions as false, harmful and authoritarian. He argued for free expression and scientific discovery, and asserted that they were superior to religion as an ethical code of conduct for human civilisation. --wikipedia
Helen Keller
Her social impact is 520 in Truth vs. Falsehood. This is her personal calibration.
Piers Morgan
Fox News contributor, television presenter and journalist
Charles de Gaulle
In TvF, Dr. Hawkins cites de Gaulle's "pomposity" in the context of France's relationship with the United States. Though he fueled anti-American sentiment, this does not seem to be the whole picture regarding de Gaulle.
Jada Pinkett Smith
Time magazine named her one of the 100 most influential people in the world in 2021 --wikipedia