Calibrations of prominent people, world leaders, celebrities, scientists, teachers, gurus, commentators and more. Paid-subscription required.
George Washington
1st President of the United States. He was calibrated for social impact at 455, in Truth vs. Falsehood.
Robert Edward Grant (polymath)
Priority request. Grant is "a prodigious artist, sculptor, music theorist, musician, and author of several research and patent publications spanning biology, DNA combinatorics, number theory, geometry, and physics" -- his website
Larry Fink (billionaire)
Fink co-founded BlackRock with seven partners in 1988... In his annual 2022 letter to CEOs, Fink discusses how effective stakeholder capitalism creates and sustains value for shareholders -- braveAI
Terence McKenna
"American ethnobotanist, mystic, psychonaut, lecturer, author, and an advocate for the responsible use of naturally occurring psychedelic plants." --wikipedia
Mark Twain
Request: Praised as the "greatest humorist the United States has produced", and called "the father of American literature."
Brett Kavanaugh (US Supreme Court justice)
has come to be regarded... as a swing vote on the Court. Kavanaugh became the "median justice" of the U.S. Supreme Court in 2021 according to a study by professors at three prominent law schools -- wikipedia
Ray Maor (prana teacher)
"In 2013 I decided to accept the offer to go on a TV show in Israel and stay for 8 days without food or water... It was a very fun experiment in which I proved that breatharianism is not only possible but that many health benefits could be associated with it" --
William Shakespeare
Request: Regarded as the greatest writer in the English language and the world's pre-eminent dramatist.
Amy Coney Barrett (US Supreme Court justice)
The fifth woman to serve on the court, she was nominated by President Donald Trump and has served since October 27, 2020 -- wikipedia
Bernadette Roberts (Christian mystic)
"Our passage through consciousness is the gradual return to the divine; we leave the divine unknowingly and in darkness, but we return knowingly and in light."
Richard Rohr
PBS has called him "one of the most popular spirituality authors and speakers in the world."
Tony Parsons (nonduality teacher)
"Because the separate seeker experiences everything as a subject object reality it is inevitable that it will see nonduality as a something that can be personally attained and experienced. It will also be seen as a state of no-self that can be taught or energetically transferred."
John Roberts (US Supreme Court chief justice)
He has shown a willingness to work with the Supreme Court's liberal bloc, and, from the retirement of Anthony Kennedy in 2018 to the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg in 2020, he had been regarded as the primary swing vote on the Court -- wikipedia
John Money (sexologist)
known for his research into sexual identity and biology of gender. He was one of the first researchers to publish theories on the influence of societal constructs of gender on individual formation of gender identity -- wikipedia
Clarence Thomas (US Supreme Court justice)
Since the death of Antonin Scalia, Thomas has been the Court's foremost originalist, stressing the original meaning in interpreting the Constitution... He is widely considered the Court's most conservative member -- wikipedia