
Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences

With 9,921 motion picture professionals [as of April 2020], the Academy… is known around the world for its annual Academy Awards, both officially and popularly known as "The Oscars" -- wikipedia.

Council on American–Islamic Relations (CAIR)

Through civil rights actions, media relations, civic engagement, and education, CAIR works to promote social, legal and political activism among Muslims in America -- wikipedia.

Sukhasiddhi Foundation

"ancient practices of Tibetan Buddhism in an atmosphere that supports, enlivens and radically changes our daily lives. Most of the practices and teachings of the Shangpa lineage come from two fully and completely awakened women, Sukhasiddhi and Niguma" --

Cato Institute

Priority request: "an American libertarian think tank which advocates for a limited governmental role in domestic and foreign affairs and strong protection of civil liberties" -- wikipedia.

Hoover Institution

A Stanford think tank on world affairs. 'It has staffed numerous jobs in Washington for Republican presidents from Richard Nixon to Donald Trump... In 2020, former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice became the institution's director" -- wikipedia.

Blue Dragon Children’s Foundation

Priority request. Their mission is to end human trafficking.

World Health Organization (WHO)

"Our team of 8000+ professionals includes the world’s leading public health experts, including doctors, epidemiologists, scientists and managers. Together, we coordinate the world’s response to health emergencies, promote well-being, prevent disease and expand access to health care."

Center for Planetary Identity

"shifting the worldview of our civilization to a Planetary Identity... allowing us to achieve a common ground from which to deal with the rising global challenges we must meet to build a sustainable future” -- CFPI.


Calibrated at 510 [awareness] in Truth vs. Falsehood, intention, including in the administration of oaths, is not considered.

Open Society Foundations

International grantmaking network founded by business magnate George Soros. Active in more than 120 countries around the world ,"we care about freedom, democracy, and human rights."

International Criminal Court (ICC)

"has faced a number of criticisms from governments and civil society groups, including objections to its jurisdiction, accusations of bias, Eurocentrism and racism, questioning of the fairness of its case selection and trial procedures, and doubts about its effectiveness" -- wikipedia.

American Heart Association

Request: Are they operating in the highest good? Is it a worthy cause to donate to?

ProAdvocate Group PMA

For alternative medical practitioners. "What would be considered a criminal act outside the association (e.g., unauthorized practice of medicine) would be perfectly legal within a private association" -- Priority request.

International Christian Fellowship (ICF)

Request: Fast growing "free church" with modern marketing. Some fundamentalist viewpoints are in critique (homosexuality as disease etc.). Many young people join.

average level of CC community members

How we show up in the Consciousness Calibrations Community (not the Database). Included: link to join the community.