Instincts are ego-centric, evolutionary patterns of thought without a realistic context: the presumption of this level is that one's survival depends on obtaining marriage and its accoutrements.
money instinct, utopia instinct
The content and energy of the human instinct for paradise and easy living
human instincts: religion, devotion, spirituality
The levels in human evolution by which one becomes aware of the content of each of these, and that content seems (subjectively) to be an absolute truth. However, it lacks a realistic context.
instincts: lying, pain avoidance, blame
These are all in the same energy pattern, evidently. A child lies and blames in an attempt to avoid pain.
power instinct
Level of evolution in consciousness at which one the trappings of political power (content-only) become available.
Oedipus complex (as a concept)
Freud (whom Doc calibrated at 499), introduced the concept in his Interpretation of Dreams (1899).
obedience / follower instinct
Obey the rules? Follow a leader? It's not really a consideration until this level.
sharing instinct
The point in spiritual evolution that an innate awareness of sharing (content-only) occurs.
excess / more instinct
The underpinning to that feeling to eat more or get more or keep more, even when you know you have enough.
giant sequoia
For comparison, willow trees are at 245 in TvF.
freedom instinct
Not everyone is concerned with freedom, but at this level in human evolution, it starts to matter...
outrage instinct
The outrage trigger is elemental in human evolution and one of the ways we can be manipulated by lies. With outrage comes a surge of force and a target to blame.
ritual instinct
The human instinct for "activities involving gestures, words, actions, or objects, performed according to a set sequence." --wikipedia.
Lunar New Year
"Lunar New Year is the beginning of a calendar year whose months are moon cycles, based on the lunar calendar or lunisolar calendar." --wikipedia
excitement-seeking instinct
At this level, the ego wants to "stir the pot" and go where the action is.