Evidently emerged very early in the evolution of consciousness...
goose bumps
the bumps on a person's skin at the base of body hairs which may involuntarily develop when a person is tickled, cold or experiencing strong emotions such as fear, euphoria or sexual arousal --wikipedia
lost cause
a person or thing that can no longer hope to succeed or be changed for the better --request
Request: engaging in behaviors, either consciously or unconsciously, that lead to the end of a relationship. This might involve pushing the other person away or finding reasons to get out of the relationship.
hidden agenda
a wish and plan to implement a particular idea without telling anybody, even though people may be affected in a negative way --request
time pressure
"The psychological stress that results from having to get things done in less time than is needed or desired." --thefreedictionary.com
injustice collector
a pathology referring to persons who take and perceive even slight wrongs done in their presence, and escalate them into serious events with an attempt to 'right' them --request
"to put too much time into thinking about or analyzing (something) in a way that is more harmful than helpful" --merriam-webster.com
crab mentality (crab bucket effect)
It is said crabs captured in a bucket prevent fellow crabs from climbing out.
crocodile tears
a false, insincere display of emotion such as a hypocrite crying fake tears of grief --request
a man who is chronologically/physically an adult, but mentally/emotionally immature --wikipedia
the first form of milk produced by the mammary glands of mammals (including humans) immediately following delivery of the newborn —Wikipedia
human instincts: sex, competition, outrage, suicide
A recipe for drama in every human being.
identity crisis
Request: portraying oneself as something else to hide a deeper issue