Priority request: a shortened form of John 14:20, that has brought much relief.
mantra: I surrender myself to thee, O Lord
Counters the ego's secret positionality to never surrender to the Lord.
mantra: this is not important
Request: I feel like the ego presumes more importance about things than what is actual. It could also be good to calibrate "this is not the meaning" since importance arises from meaning.
mantra: Truth is within me
Request: Accessible by everyone, everywhere, at all times.
mantra: I am generating tons of excellent karma
Priority request: Given the nature of this community, it seems appropriate. Also, I use this from time to time and want to know if I'm going in the right direction.
nam myoho renge kyo
A mantra central to Nichiren Buddhism. It is the title of the Lotus Sutra and is also used as a chant to connect individuals to their inner Buddha nature, helping them bring forth wisdom, compassion, and enlightenment -- Brave AI.
mantra: I exist
… as innately innocent, unprogrammable divinity.
mantra: that which I am radiates peace and success to the world
Request: From the 101 ways to success lecture.
mantra: with God, I release my soul from suffering
From the perspective of the witness (the Real you), the soul is a separate-self illusion which is released by absolving it of doom, shame, guilt and other hellish forms of punishment and false "destiny." To the extent one is successful in this, suffering ends.
mantra: I accept my power (O Lord)
God grants each of us power, according to one's level of consciousness. A lot of us refuse power that is innate to us, thinking power is immoral. Others take power that is not earned, because they are immoral.
mantra: my destiny is not in my hands
Under 200 in intention (or context), one firmly believes his destiny is of his own making: the ego Edges God Out (EGO).
mantra: this is for God to resolve, not the ego (article)
A spiritual practice to realize a higher energy that preemptively resolves problems at any level.
mantra: Thy will be done
Asking that God’s will be done is a demonstration of our trust that He knows what is best. It is a statement of submission to God’s ways and His plans. We ask for our will to be conformed to His --
mantra: I don't have all the answers
Oh, liberation is this simple but profound admission 🙏.
mantra: I am destined for Enlightenment
Request: Doc recommends to accept Enlightenment is our destiny and not a goal or hope.