Request: In TvF, it is listed twice: cal. 135 ("pedophilia itself") and cal. 65 ("behavioral"). From the text, it appears that the latter refers to acting on those urges.
frazzled nerves
A state of extreme physical or nervous fatigue and agitation, often described as being in a state of high alert and overstimulation -- Brave AI.
bad breath / halitosis
By request.
"In mild hypothermia, there is shivering and mental confusion. In moderate hypothermia, shivering stops and confusion increases. In severe hypothermia, there may be hallucinations and paradoxical undressing... as well as an increased risk of the heart stopping" -- wikipedia.
pornography addiction
Request: Continuing use after repeated attempts and desires to quit - what is the attractor field of this?
T/F: alcoholism can be cured
Request: The AA view is that alcoholism (as a disease with mental, physical and spiritual components) can be recovered from, not cured.
“a burst of uncontrolled electrical activity between brain cells (also called neurons or nerve cells) that causes temporary abnormalities in muscle tone or movements (stiffness, twitching or limpness), behaviors, sensations or states of awareness” — hopkinsmedicine.
occupational burnout
Symptoms characterized by "feelings of energy depletion or exhaustion; increased mental distance from one's job, or feelings of negativism or cynicism related to one's job; and reduced professional efficacy" -- wikipedia.
Request: dude… what happened last night??
hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating)
Hyperhidrosis is common. It’s been estimated to affect between 1 and 3 in every 100 people which means there are likely to be hundreds of thousands of people living with it in the UK --
narcissistic personality disorder (NPD)
"includes an unreasonably high sense of importance, a need for excessive admiration, fragile self-esteem, and troubled relationships" -- Mayo Clinic.
hot flashes
“Sudden feeling of warmth, usually most intense over the face, neck, and chest, and profuse sweating,“ common for women in menopause — mayo clinic.
anxiety and depression can be canceled and healed instantaneously
Priority request: Some might not be aware of the option, as well as the ego putting up massive resistances, but it seems to me this is indeed possible given that anxiety/depression are just illusory ways of being.
Priority request: Doc stated in a video that the source of stress is within ourselves and not out in the world. There is no escaping stress in the world for it is self-created. Relief occurs from understanding its true cause. What is exhilarating to one person is debilitating to another.
restless leg syndrome (RLS)
A neurological disorder characterized by an overwhelming, irresistible urge to move the legs, often accompanied by unpleasant sensations such as aching, tingling, burning, or crawling feelings -- Brave AI.