
Recall Healing

"... not a panacea and does not pretend to make miracles; but when this work with Recall Healing is well done, it helps the person to 'shift' toward a new viewpoint which contributes to optimize the healing process" --


Request: (physical) pain isn't on the Map of Consciousness. Does it belong to a level already calibrated?

opioid addiction

Request: what is its range - basically what kind of pain is suppressed into apathy (I presume).

T/F: ADHD isn’t a biological illness, but instead is a trauma response that can be overcome

Request: “An estimated 8.7 million adults in the U.S. have ADHD” —Forbes Health.

Wim Hof Method

Cold therapy, breathing, commitment.

fluoride in toothpaste for children

Request: For many years I have avoided consuming poisonous substances and as such have been avoiding fluoride toothpaste. Naturally, therefore, I have never given either of my two children fluoridated toothpaste.

food allergies

Request: I have been told my whole life I am severely allergic to peanuts. It seems like part of me must subconsciously believe in them. At what level are they healed?


Chain-smoking and smoking addiction are also calibrated.

amanita muscaria for sleep

Request: Seems to help with sleep as evidenced by Garmin sleep data and subjective experience.

stretching / massaging the muscles releases emotional traumas

Calibrations for both stretching and massaging. By request.

being overweight and not trying to be a healthy weight

vs. being a healthy weight. By request.

anxiety is an aversion to fear

Request: Could it be that the someone experiences ‘anxiety’ because there’s an aversion to confront fear? Seems paradoxical that the experience of anxiety is rooted in a resistance to experiencing it! Is there any Truth in this?

midnight snack

Request: Sometimes the body enjoys finding tasty nibbles at night 🦝


Cancer can be let go and processed out, but it requires surrender at great depth.

Omega-3 (health benefit)

"Mammals are unable to synthesize the essential omega−3 fatty acid ALA and can only obtain it through diet" -- wikipedia.