There are many types of tic. Some affect body movement (motor tics) and others result in a sound (vocal or phonic tics)
physician-assisted suicide (PAS)
the physician's assistance is usually limited to writing a prescription for a lethal dose of drugs -- wikipedia.
Schuessler salts
Request: commonly used alternative medicine method in Europe; would be great to know for many if they add or substract energy
Munchausen's syndrome
a rare psychological and behavioural condition in which somebody fabricates or induces symptoms of illness in themselves
routine infant circumcision [male]
Request: Currently still common in the USA and other parts of the world. It is important to know what it really is before carelessly choosing to do it to one's own child.
mitochondrial theory of ageing
Request: Basis for how almost all diseases/aging are caused, rooted in the ability of one's mitochondria to deliver sufficient energy production to meet one's needs.
Biden Depression Syndrome (BDS)
Helplessness, apathy or resignation in response to Joe Biden or the policies of his administration. Analogous to Trump Derangement Syndrome, but with depression rather than derangement.
distress caused by being away from home. Its cognitive hallmark is preoccupying thoughts of home and attachment objects --wikipedia
I've taken up smoking cigarettes
as a spiritual practice, of course
cuddle therapy
an alternative wellbeing modality based upon the basic human need for touch --cuddle therapy school
ionic foot baths
A modality many people use for detoxing the body --request
healing power of frequencies
Request: Proponents claim particular healing frequencies can heal emotional blockages within the aura as well as repair DNA to its original condition (528 MHz)
Knowing Ourselves, by Joman Romero
What does the body want to tell us with diseases? Because even if we can find help abroad (psychologists, doctors, gurus, etc) the only ones who are able to heal us are ourselves. --amazon
Doctor Mike
#1 Health/Medicine Influencer w/ 20,000,000+ followers... My goal is to make the field of medicine relatable, understandable, and fun! --youtube channel
most often described as a ringing in the ears, even though no external sound is present... Affects 15-20% of people