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The Secret Life of Real Estate and Banking, by Phillip J. Anderson

Request: This model predicted the 2008 collapse, the 2020 recession, and is predicting another collapse around 2026. This book could help... people to gain wealth by understanding the cyclical nature of real estate which drives all other markets (including stocks and crypto).

Feng shui

An ancient Chinese traditional practice which claims to use energy forces to harmonize individuals with their surrounding environment -- wikipedia.

Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR)

A form of psychotherapy for PTSD that’s been recently trending. In EMDR, the person being treated recalls distressing experiences whilst doing bilateral stimulation, such as side-to-side eye movement -- request.


Malicious ill will prompting an urge to hurt or humiliate another person.

standing for truth

Applies to the intellect. At higher levels, it is understood truth needs no defense.


a ruler who is unconstrained by law; a person who behaves in a tyrannical manner --

choosing silence and peace constantly as a spiritual practice

Request: A Spiritual Practice recommended in DPG.

Cherish - Kool & the Gang

Priority request: I’ve always loved this song…it has a good meaning and was just curious as to the calibration.


"the conscious process of pushing unwanted, anxiety-provoking thoughts, memories, emotions, fantasies and desires out of awareness" -- scientificamerican.


Japanese cuisine.

"haters gonna hate"

Level of this street wisdom.

truth is power

Calibration of the statement.

broken windows theory

states that visible signs of crime, anti-social behavior and civil disorder create an urban environment that encourages further crime and disorder, including serious crimes -- wikipedia.

feeling offended

In Truth vs. Falsehood, "offended" is calibrated at 180. In this case, we're honing in on the energy of the feeling, rather than the perception of offense.

tracking apps for teenagers

Request: Some parents require their teenage children to use tracking apps to monitor their activities. While it’s done "for safety", it seems like a surefire way to strain their relationship.