Free Tier

Council on American–Islamic Relations (CAIR)

Through civil rights actions, media relations, civic engagement, and education, CAIR works to promote social, legal and political activism among Muslims in America -- wikipedia.

legend of Lilith

Priority request: My aunt says she's a symbol of female empowerment, independence, and resistance to oppression. "The first wife of Adam and a primordial she-demon, Lilith is cited as having been 'banished' from the Garden of Eden for not complying with and obeying Adam" -- wikipedia.

OMAD (One meal a day)

Request: Eating one meal a day is a practice that many people swear by to lose weight and improve overall health.

kill two birds with one stone

to solve two problems with one single action -- request.

effect of salvia

"a herb from the mint family and can cause brief, intense psychedelic experiences when smoked" -- priority request.

hot flashes

“Sudden feeling of warmth, usually most intense over the face, neck, and chest, and profuse sweating,“ common for women in menopause — mayo clinic.

mantra: that which I am radiates peace and success to the world

Request: From the 101 ways to success lecture.

air conditioning

a system for controlling the humidity, ventilation, and temperature in a building or vehicle, typically to maintain a cool atmosphere in warm conditions — request.

Scrabble (board game)

“a game in which players build up words on a board from small lettered squares or tiles.” — Google dictionary.

anxiety and depression can be canceled and healed instantaneously

Priority request: Some might not be aware of the option, as well as the ego putting up massive resistances, but it seems to me this is indeed possible given that anxiety/depression are just illusory ways of being.

enlightenment is a destination, not a goal

Level of this statement. Also calibrated: "Enlightenment is a way of being, not an experience."


What is the actual level of mastery? Excellence is at 460 (TvF).


A philosophical view that deems procreation to be unethical. Antinatalists thus argue that humans should abstain from having children -- wikipedia. Request: Recently a very common view among my acquaintances.

Red One (2024)

In the film, Callum Drift (Dwane Johnson), the head of North Pole security, teams up with the hacker Jack O'Malley (Chris Evans) to locate a kidnapped Santa Claus (J. K. Simmons) on Christmas Eve -- wikipedia.

God's will is All there is

A contemplation that resolves in high awareness.