good karma runs out when you’re not building more of it
Does good karma expire or decay? Is karma subject to entropy over time?
“I” as that which moves between the levels and dimensions
This "I" is nonresistant to local conditions, with neither attraction nor aversions to shifts in ways of being.
visualizing the number while doing a spiritual practice
Priority request: Usually it happens on its own that the calibrated number of a certain spiritual practice appears in the mind while doing that spiritual practice. Is this something helpful, or just a working of the mind, unnecessary and pride motivated?
a pseudoscience that involves the measurement of bumps on the skull to predict mental traits -- wikipedia
Mariachi music
consists of as many as eight violins, two trumpets and at least one guitar, including a high-pitched vihuela and an acoustic bass guitar called a guitarrón, and all players taking turns singing lead and doing backup vocals -- wikipedia
indoor plants
Request: Keeping indoor plants supposedly offers a variety of benefits, such as aesthetic, health, air quality, etc.
chatty / "Chatty Cathy"
"Chatty Cathy" is an epithet used to describe a person who is talking incessantly (and annoying the people around them --
dancing, as a spiritual practice
Harmony with the body. Getting lost in the moment. You become one through the movement, letting go of the mind. The body becomes an instrument of worship. Expressing joy and gratitude to God.
green thumb
Request: I have been consulting/teaching people how to grow their own food. I find it interesting how some people kill their plants so easily and others thrive.
A sacrament of admission to Christianity. Almost invariably involves the use of water and the Trinitarian invocation, “I baptize you: In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.” The candidate may be wholly or partly immersed in water.
statement: energy is an illusion
We can understand emotions and even thoughts are illusions, but what about manifest energy?
What was the source behind A Course in Miracles?
Doc said the source was "inner dictation." Others subscribe to the notion it was Jesus. Did the Holy Spirit play a part? What about the White Brotherhood?
mantra: God is with me
Good in the thymus (self love) dimension.
the one thing that feels really, really hard for you is most often the key to your liberation and to your upleveling
Request: from Leeor Alexandra's twitter
smoker's cough
a persistent cough that results from damage to the airways caused by toxins in cigarette smoke --