Free Tier


The quality of seeming not to need any effort.

applied technology

The practical application of scientific knowledge and technical skills to solve real-world problems and perform specific functions -- Brave AI.

Friends (1994–2004)

Rachel, Ross, Monica, Chandler, Phoebe and Joey.

"Human effort is necessary only to learn that human effort as such is useless..."

"...and God’s will alone is the real power that controls and brings about all events. When you realise this truth, human effort ceases and divine will starts its work in you, and then you do all things in the freedom of the soul, liberated from care, fear and sorrow." ― Swami Ramdas.

truth is always present

Attributed is Dr. Hawkins.

keep it simple

Priority request: a well-known slogan in Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) that encourages people to approach issues with simplicity and avoid over-complication.

there is no condemnation in Christ Jesus

Summary of Romans 8:1. Comforting words to those who align with the Lord whereby one may forego any and all self-condemnation or condemnation of others.

you are innately innocent, unprogrammable divinity

i.e. the hardware, not the software programs nor the operating system.


"An acronym that stands for Peace, Love, Unity, and Respect. These four words form a mantra that captures the essence of the vibe at raves." By request.

"repetitio est mater studiorum"

Latin: Repetition is the mother of learning.

giving away your power

It can take many forms, such as holding beliefs that are not based in reality, or allowing someone else to have a negative influence over your thoughts, feelings, or behavior -- psychcentral.

T/F: everyone is spiritually gifted

Request: Could it be that everyone is spiritually gifted to a certain extent?

Sedona, Arizona

Regarding the Arizona town in which Doc used to live and the home of Veritas Publishing.

"Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery...

"... but today is a gift. That's why it is called present" -- Kung Fu Panda (movie) quote, by request.

nam myoho renge kyo

A mantra central to Nichiren Buddhism. It is the title of the Lotus Sutra and is also used as a chant to connect individuals to their inner Buddha nature, helping them bring forth wisdom, compassion, and enlightenment -- Brave AI.