Free Tier

statement: everyone has a vice

‘He has all of the virtues I dislike, and none of the vices I admire.’ - Winston Churchill. (This quote calibrates at 490).

trigger warning

a statement at the start of a piece of writing, video, etc. that warns readers or viewers that it contains material that may upset them, especially by reminding them of a trauma or bad experience --


Request: tediously long in speaking or writing.

Elemental (2023)

Disney/Pixar. "set in a world inhabited by anthropomorphic elements of nature, the story follows fire element Ember Lumen (Lewis) and water element Wade Ripple (Athie), who meet and fall in love after Wade is summoned by a plumbing accident at a convenience store" -- wikipedia


Request: Popular beverage said to provide calm energy and a multitude of health benefits. (Only the ingredient is calibrated).

snoozing the alarm

Level of "easy going" (TvF)

La Terre Vue Du Ciel (music)

by French composer Armand Amar. Priority request. Video embedded.


Request: Active ingredient is curcumin which is stated to have anti-inflammatory properties with possible mood-boosting effects.

statement: fear of life is fear of emotions

Request: Therefore we don't need to handle life, we just need to handle our emotions towards life

managing your energy experience

Five affirmations presented for higher energy bestowed from God, in contrast to ego boosting

American Red Cross

Request: As a nonprofit they seem to be doing good in the world by providing much needed support and medical care to people effected by disaster. However, it may have false motivations given the strong emphasis on climate change and DEI policies.

Bowen Theory

Request: Radically departs all from previous theories of human behavior by conceptualizing the family as an emotional unit. Individuals are more strongly regulated by the unit than being autonomous psychological entities.

legal mind

The intellectual abilities, legal knowledge, and attitudes of a well-trained lawyer --


Request: a medicinal (temporary) diet used to restrict heavily on foods that aggravate one's gut. As symptoms relax, one slowly reintroduces foods to see which they still have reactions to. Is it helpful or too overtly restrictive?

"stay in your lane"

An integrous boundary thing.