statement: happiness is the best defense against negativity
Prioritizing happiness (cal. 395) over negativity turns out to be rational.
Oslo, Norway
By 2010 the immigrant population in the city was growing somewhat faster than the Norwegian population, and in the city proper this had become more than 25% of the total population --wikipedia
surrendering all expectations for oneself and others
Request: The AA saying goes, "an expectation is a premeditated resentment." I tend to resent myself when I fail to achieve certain expectations.
Nat King Cole
Request: his music brings serenity, is sublime and beautiful.
Ellora Caves (religious site)
Request: a multi-religious rock-cut cave complex with inscriptions dating from the period 6th century CE onwards, located in the Aurangabad District of Maharashtra, India.
helping people in below-200 communities on the Internet
Priority request. Is it worth it?
healthy self-interest
Priority request: "taking care of yourself but not at the expense of others" --
controlling mother / father
Request: I feel so overwhelmed when I meet controlling mother.
the wish to travel far away and to many different places --
brown noise
"a useful sound masking tool, that can block out external sounds and distractions and be used in many different ways. Compared to white and pink noise, brown noise uses mostly lower frequencies and is considered the most soothing to listen to of the three." – video's description
"Exsultate, jubilate" from Mozart
Request: Mozart's music is very joyful and uplifting but this is exceptionally so.
Old Dads (2023)
Bill Burr. After selling their business, three men find themselves out of step with the modern world -- wikipedia
speed limits
request: for the highest good?
GAPS Diet (by Natasha Campbell-McBride)
Request: an elimination diet that involves cutting out grains, pasteurized dairy, starchy vegetables and refined carbohydrates.
Tchaikovsky - Swan Lake (theme)
Truth vs. Falsehood has his music at 550, on average.