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fail compilation videos

Request: a guilty pleasure.

pastoral visit

Request: after Christmas period, it’s time for visiting parishioners by priest in their houses.

"my way or the highway"

Request: denotes a strong preference for one's own approach or decisions without considering alternatives.

New Zealand's use of 1080 poison for pest control

Request: This has been a very contentious issue in New Zealand for decades. Does the benefit of widespread dropping of 1080 (theoretically pest control) out-weigh the costs associated (collateral damage)?

mantra: wahe guru

Request: It's a powerful mantra common in Kundalini Yoga.

waking up on the wrong side of the bed

to be in a bad mood and to be easily annoyed all day --

level: fully accepting one's physical appearance

Priority request: I would say the vast majority of people struggle with this at some point in their lives... Social media seems to have made this whole issue much worse, especially for young people.

holier than thou

Request: an attitude of moral superiority.

Person of Interest (TV Series 2011–2016)

"An ex-CIA agent [played by Jim Caviezel] and a wealthy programmer save lives via a surveillance AI that sends them the identities of civilians involved in impending crimes" --

Rush Hour (1998)

Request: it's one of my favorite movies. It was extremely popular when it released and set Jackie Chan on the map in the west for its comedy and solid action sequences. Its also praised for portraying Asian culture positively.


Palmistry is the pseudoscientific practice of fortune-telling through the study of the palm -- wikipedia.

"What we have is sufficient because God has judged it so"

Request: When I am in a good mood, this statement makes me feel content and willing to trust God will provide what I need without me even needing to think about it. Relationship, money, food, etc. When I am in a bad mood, this statement makes me feel resentful, abandoned, and forgotten.

the bottom line

Request: the most important part of something; the most important aspect to consider.

"The more you think about yourself, the more unhappy you are"

Priority request: Quote from Jordan Peterson.

"The best fertilizer is the footsteps of the gardener"

Request: Studying permaculture I came upon this, which is cited as a Chinese proverb. Does it imply that success is gained through hard work, or is it hinting that presence and intention are the causal elements?