Free Tier

T/F: it takes love to heal shame

Priority request: It seems if I am in the presence of love, shame always comes up to be felt and processed.

muscle cars

Request: I own one. Is it in the positive? Does the V8 engine make a difference?

statement: God is giving

Request: The fundamental nature of God seems to be permissive and wholly giving. Is this a principle quality of it?

Peace Pilgrim

spiritual teacher, mystic, pacifist, vegetarian activist and peace activist... Starting on January 1, 1953, in Pasadena, California, she adopted the name "Peace Pilgrim" and walked across the United States for 28 years, speaking with others about peace -- wikipedia.

the "me and God" relationship

Includes calibrations of this relationship as practiced in Christianity, Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam and Judaism.

Kaaba / Ka'ba

a stone building at the center of Islam's most important mosque and holiest site... in Mecca, Saudi Arabia. It is considered by Muslims to be the house of God -- wikipedia.

level: one considers thoughts to be one's own

By request. How pervasive in consciousness is claiming ownership of thought? See the calibrated range.

T/F: everyone needs Jesus

Request: Perhaps the solution to most people’s problem may just be Jesus or an enlightened teacher.

level: God is a person

Request: In religious such as Christianity, Judaism exists belief that God is a person. What is the level of consciousness of this belief?

1/10,000 of a second (Doc’s concept)

Request: The average person experiences life through the glass of the ego, which 'modifies' the experience within 1/10000th of a second of the 'experiencer'.

statement: a bully only understands force

"bullies are control junkies who only back down if they perceive the other person as being stronger than they are" --

ProAdvocate Group PMA

For alternative medical practitioners. "What would be considered a criminal act outside the association (e.g., unauthorized practice of medicine) would be perfectly legal within a private association" -- Priority request.

music genre: Lo-Fi Jazz Hop

Request: Many people swear by it for focus, relaxation and a positive mood.


Style of housing that uses upcycled materials such as tires or bottles in conjunction with architecture that allows for self-regulating temperature and an off-the-grid lifestyle -- wikipedia.

The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success, by Deepak Chopra

"preaches the idea that personal success is not the outcome of hard work, precise plans or a driving ambition, but rather of understanding our basic nature as human beings and how to follow the laws of nature" -- wikipedia. Priority request.