Insincere praise spoken in order to gain favor from someone -- wikipedia.
mark / number of the beast (theology)
as introduced in Revelations 13:16–18.
Most associated with hard work at 200, money is widely available through the range of human consciousness. Money is calibrated at 205 in Truth vs. Falsehood.
the essence of faith is the letting go of conceptual thought
Request: The integration of the paths of Devotion and Knowledge.
Blood Money, by Peter Schweizer
Request: His next major book on Joe Biden, his family, & other politicians who are benefitting from an illegal relationship with China & other foreign actors.
"characterized by emotional intimacy, spending time together, and often involves a physical and sexual component. However, partners won’t define their relationship, place it into a category, or set clear boundaries" --
praying without knowing what for
Priority request: Sometimes one has an understanding about the need for a Higher Power, but doesn't see the root of the problem, and doesn't know it's supposed solution. So one just prays.
attachment to sex
Request: Sex is a huge part of our culture, and we have likely been programmed into desire and attachment. The pleasure, the ego involvement, feeling love...
Maltese cross
chiefly associated with the Knights Hospitaller (Order of St. John, now the Sovereign Military Order of Malta) -- wikipedia.
statement: immaturity reflects insecurity
The level of correlation between immaturity and insecurity.
Thailand exports over US$105 billion worth of goods and services annually. Major exports include cars, computers, electrical appliances, rice, textiles and footwear, fishery products, rubber, and jewellery -- wikipedia.
I Believe in You - Don Williams
Request: Mannnnn, one of my favorite songs even, man :)
work-life balance
Priority request. "achieve the desired work and life satisfaction and needs in a conflict situation" -- wikipedia.
The State of Israel is the only Jewish nation in the modern period, and the region that now falls within its borders has a lengthy and rich history that dates from prebiblical times --
Mexico produces the most automobiles of any North American nation... General Motors, Ford and Chrysler have been operating in Mexico since the 1930s, while Volkswagen and Nissan built their plants in the 1960s -- wikipedia.