Free Tier

energy field of an in-person 12-step meeting

Request: The field 12 steppers are exposed to which silently heals them and provides spiritual information. Each field, by god's grace, provides a unique kind of love, healing and integrity depending on the fellowship's purpose.

rooibos herbal tea

Priority request. "The tea has been popular in Southern Africa for generations, and since the 2000s has gained popularity internationally. The tea has an earthy flavour that is similar to yerba mate or tobacco" -- wikipedia.

"life is difficult"

The emotion can be handled effectively over 200, but under 200 one focuses on problems.

central nervous system

the part of the nervous system consisting of the brain and spinal cord, the retina and optic nerve, and the olfactory nerve and epithelia -- wikipedia.

Thinking, Fast and Slow, by Daniel Kahneman

Priority request. Daniel Kahneman, world-famous psychologist and winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics, takes us on a groundbreaking tour of the mind and explains the two systems that drive the way we think -- amazon.

"yes, Lord"

Possibly the most powerful spiritual posture a human being can assume, that of following the Lord no matter what.

withholding a like on social media

Request: It's like the heart says YES, but the mind says NO.

a prayer for inner peace

How I've been praying lately.

"believe in yourself"

Request: It seems belief is illusion and the separate self is as well, yet the statement feels empowering as one transcends what were previously thought to be limitations.

very loud public places, e.g. restaurants

Priority request: when conversation can't be had because too many people are crowded into a restaurant/pub/cocktail bar and they're all shouting over one-another.

Navy seal

Request: For individuals in the occupation. (Calibration in an occupation is a subset of overall consciousness).

sublimation (psychology)

"a mature type of defense mechanism, in which socially unacceptable impulses or idealizations are transformed into socially acceptable actions or behavior, possibly resulting in a long-term conversion of the initial impulse" – wikipedia

illusions per level: the 100s

The false-positive "radiance" of negative fields is experienced by lower mind perception as truthful virtuousness. The payoff of aligning with a negative field is this deception, whereby one lacks integrity yet experiences himself as "positive" and "integrous." Specific payoffs are outlined.

Mari Emmanuel

On 15 April 2024, Emmanuel and five others were stabbed at his church... Emmanuel lost his right eye from the attack. He said, "I forgive whoever has done this act and I say to him, you are my son, I love you and I will always pray for you" -- wikipedia.

praying for the animals whose meat you've just eaten

Request: Feels like the right thing to do. But is it?