Free Tier

there is no mistake that cannot be corrected

A relief to the apparent burden felt by the small self.

T/F: a human with bad karma can reincarnate as an animal

Priority request: Do we only reincarnate as humans or is it possible to go "backwards" to less aware life forms?

believers and fanatics

On the spiritual journey, believers cultivate their own reality-testing, while fanatics indulge in a special relationship with dogma.

Viktor Schauberger

While Schauberger's specific inventions have not been replicated, his ideas and principles have influenced a wide range of fields and continue to inspire innovation today -- ChatGPT. Priority request.

typing out a question on a post and then deleting it...

...because the answer was intuited and understood. Request: when interacting with the database and community. It seems like... the field silently answers my question or comment without actually having to post it. Is this possibly spiritual ego or is this a product of the collective psyche?

calling out for God or Christ but feeling no one's there

Request: I feel this way sometimes and it can be quite crushing.

dating someone who doesn't believe in God

Request: Seems to be adding some strain to our relationship.

statement: sin is every action under 200

Request: Can I understand sin this way?


Calibrated at 295 [awareness] in Truth vs. Falsehood.

St. Paul's Cathedral, London

Priority request. "Services held at St Paul's have included the funerals of Admiral Lord Nelson, the Duke of Wellington, Winston Churchill and Margaret Thatcher" -- wikipedia.

The Fourth Turning Is Here, by Neil Howe

Request: a nuanced view on current events on a global scale attempting to explain the cyclical nature of our tumultuous times.

statement: it is self-hating to stay in a situation that doles out abuse in any form

Request: I am considering leaving a job with an abusive boss and was wondering if I'm only staying for self hating reasons. It seems possible, because financially I will be fine if I leave.

Matthew 23:12

"whoever exalts himself shall be humbled; and whoever humbles himself shall be exalted" -- Lamsa.

Angels in my Hair, by Lorna Byrne

The overwhelming response of her more than a million readers all around the world is that knowing that Lorna sees a guardian angel with everyone has given them the belief that they have a guardian angel. They say that this assurance gives them tremendous hope and comfort -- goodreads.

"eat the frog" method

While there’s more power and nuance to this method than meets the eye, it all boils down to this: Identify one important task for the day and do it first --